managing directors column
kelvin genn

COVID-19 has been the most challenging workplace issue we have had to manage both as organizations and as influencers in our communities. We will now move on from protection measures designed to prevent exposure to a strategy that relies on community immunity. As we do so, new challenges will be presented to us as professionals advising our respective organisations. 

As communities open up, the number of cases will likely increase rapidly, as it has in Europe, the UK, and the USA as the pandemic spreads to unvaccinated populations. However, vaccinated individuals won't be protected entirely. Seven percent of patients in Melbourne's ICUs are double vaccinated. Protective strategies such as masks, social distancing, hand washing, etc. will quickly be abandoned by the people we steward. 

We will need to manage our workforce's vaccination status based on different jurisdictions' vaccination regulations, regardless of whether they are employees, contractors, or service providers. As we saw with polio and smallpox, full community vaccination is the only way to defeat these epidemics. 

Employers will have to determine their respective responsibilities to provide a safe working environment. It is my belief that the bare minimum requirement should be that everyone who interacts at the workplace is current on their vaccination. Furthermore, until the community transmission has been controlled, the supplementary strategies must be sustained. We will face increased challenges this year due to the growth in community freedom of movement, and we will have to continue adapting and innovating.

infant feeding error case study
learning team

Dr Jordan Goldman, a pediatric intensive care physician, applied the concepts she learnt at Art of Work’s Resilimap Learning Team Guide program to the real-world problem where infants were provided milk from the wrong mother in Neo-natal intensive care. 

The hospital deployed a six sigma lean thinking team to solve the problem. The result was more process and no change in the errors. Jordana established an Art of Work Resilimap Learning Team, that harnessed the frontline workers as the experts. The learning team developed a new method for patient identification that applied human factor principles that eliminated the baby matching error.

This resulting solution harnessed the insights from the frontline experts and provided system experts with high-quality operation insight and improvement ideas, thereby harnessing and integrating the team’s expertise. 

The solution produced has broad application across healthcare where identification errors are a significant patient safety problem.

Watch the video to see an outstanding application of the Resilmap Learning Team Method.


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real-time discovery
google glass

In partnership with Google, Art of Work has deployed Google Glass as a primary tool for our learning teams. Initial use of Google Glass was with the Emergency Department of Royal Hobart Hospital. Through Google Glass, the learning team enquirers can see work through the eyes and perspective of those doing the work. Enquirers are able to discover in real-time the frontline experience of operators, while recording video and audio, as well as interacting with them. Google Meet Enterprise serves as the platform for the video interaction, allowing the subject and the discovery team to fully interact with one another. A virtual space allows the discovery team to share material with the subject using Google Glass' full interactivity. 

It is possible to implement this revolutionary method at any workplace with internet access around the world through Art of Work. Feel free to contact us if you would like a demonstration of the technology and how we can help you deliver exceptional insights from Work as Done explorations.

Art of Work can also enable your management systems with Google Glass to revolutionise the way systems, work and people are connected.

enabling leadership programme
advance launch

Excited by Safety Differently, Enabling Safety, Human & Operational Performance, New View & Safety II and you want to turn these ideas into new practices in your organisation?

We have opened up bookings for the advance launch of the new Enabling Leadership Course. Sign up for our new expert -led 6 x 90 minute live-online learning journey. Learn how to elevate your leadership style to inspire others to deliver successful work whilst acquiring insights, strategies and tactics that will positively impact your personal and team success.  Whether you are seeking performance improvement related to safety, operations, quality or innovation, this programme is for you!


find out more

journal club
design thinking

Be a part of the Journal Club to engage in key discussions on topics that are relevant to our work, lives and global community.
In the next Journal Club, we will explore the concept of design thinking, and consider how we can integrate design thinking into the practice of safety management. 
Join us for an engaging session facilitated by Mike Behm (Professor of Occupational Safety at East Carolina University) and Kelvin Genn (Director at Art of Work).

register now

covid-19 webinars
application of safety II 

Art of Work hosted COVID-19 webinars exploring the application of Safety II concepts with a panel of experts including:

  • Mary-Louise McLaws, Professor of Epidemiology, Hospital Infection and Infectious Diseases Control at UNSW
  • Sidney Dekker, Professor at Griffith University
  • Michael Tooma, Managing Partner at Clyde & Co Australia
  • Kelvin Genn, Managing Director at Art of Work
  • Sue Ieraci, Emergency Physician
  • Mike Behm, Professor of Occupational Safety at East Carolina University
Click on the buttons below to watch the webinar you missed!
Webinar 1 - Managing COVID 19 | What would be different if we applied Safety II?
Webinar 2 - Managing COVID 19 | successful control: engagement, openness, trust, ethics and evidence.
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