Shaping a
new leadership paradigm 


We’re rewriting the book on leadership – shifting the thinking from ‘directing’ to ‘enabling’ people. We believe people are a solution to harness, not a problem to control. Our Enabling Leadership programme facilitates trust-building practices, strengthens engagement, and instils the curiosity necessary to drive performance. Like all our services, we tailor this programme to each workplace, which might mean using one or a combination of the following strategies:

  • Executive engagement interviews 

  • Enabling Leadership masterclass

  • Enabling Leadership coaching

The conversation starter 


Executive engagement interviews 

We facilitate open conversations with your executive team to unearth their philosophies, aspirations and experiences. In one hour, we’ll explore your perspective and unpack both the journey and outcomes you’re seeking to sponsor.


It’s not about making great leaders. It’s about making everyone great. 


Enabling Leadership masterclass

A dynamic and insightful two-day learning experience that captures collective intelligence and elevates your organisation to new performance levels.

We present a range of practical tools and techniques to enable people to proactively address what is helping and hindering performance. We deliver the knowledge, skills and insights to stimulate networks and activate new ideas to bring about better work practices and effective solutions. We work together to foster meaningful interactions and improve safety.

Two peas in a (supportive) pod 


Enabling Leadership coaching

We work closely with you to jointly facilitate a structured Coaching Pod – a place to receive continued support and feedback on your learning and implementation journey, to surmount challenges together and unlock effective solutions in real-time. 


Eight how-tos on the agenda 

  • Unlock contributions and discretionary efforts by employees at all levels

  • Capture and use collective intelligence to create a learning organisation

  • Understand and respond to the gap between ‘work-as-intended’ and ‘work-as-done’

  • Enable great performance by providing solutions rather than constraints

  • Shift your leadership from being a ‘hero’ to being a ‘host’

  • Enable creativity as a response to workplace challenges

  • Build engagement and trust 

  • Adapt and evolve how work is done, sustainably 

Improve your business leadership today!