art of work academy - launching 2021

Lifelong Learning

Here at Art of Work, our team is passionate about the concept of lifelong learning for all and that extends to safety and wellbeing too! Earlier this year with the onset of COVID, we, like most of the global business community, focused our efforts on transitioning from in person interactions to virtual interactions; including our portfolio of learning events and Master Classes.

Roll on six months with many successful interactive, virtual Master Classes delivered, and we decided to create a permanent virtual events offering; introducing: The Academy - for curious innovators.

Launching in 2021

Launching in early 2021, the Academy will offer a range of both ‘one off’ and ‘series’ engaging Master Classes delivered via online platforms that encourage collaboration and lively exchanges between participants! Topics range from Safety Differently to Learning Teams, Leadership to Wellbeing and Relationship Safety to learnings from global critical incidents such as the Costa Concordia.

Up skill yourself and re-engage your organisation

So, if you feel ‘stuck in a rut’ and you’re looking to re-engage your organisation with new thinking around safety and wellbeing, or you’re looking to up skill your own knowledge and challenge your current mindset, then look out for details of the Academy in the new year.

Two scholarships - coming soon!

One aspect we are particularly excited about is that we will be offering two scholarships for the Academy in 2021, which will give access to the full suite of learning events, as well as 1-on-1 mentoring and exposure to the Art of Work practice experts. If you, or someone you know, is looking to accelerate their safety career and would really benefit from a ‘helping hand’ then look out for application details - coming soon!

The Academy - for curious innovators


power of curiosity lead to enabling leadership


rebranding safety podcast - safety 1 and safety 2 with kelvin genn